A Plan to Save the Planet

A plan to save the planet

The International Peoples’ Assembly (IPA), a global network of social movements, trade unions, Left political parties and grassroots organizations would like to invite you to read “A Plan to Save the Planet”, as a contribution to be further discussed in the Dilemmas of Humanity process.

This text was produced through a process led by ALBA-TCP (Bolivarian Alliance for the Peoples of Our America – Peoples’ Trade Treaty), the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research, and the Instituto Simón Bolivar in Venezuela, with the contribution of a network of twenty-six research institutes from around the world. It was published in 2021.

“A Plan to Save the Planet” has a people-centered perspective contrary to the profit-centered approach of many of the international institutions (such as the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development and the World Economic Forum).

The main argument of this document is that we are facing a general crisis of capitalism, and this crisis can only be overcome by a change in course towards a system designed around the needs of the working class and the peasantry, and the requirements for a sustainable natural world.

The plan covers twelve areas: ‘Democracy and the World Order’, ‘The Environment, ‘Finance’, ‘Health’, ‘Housing’, ‘Food’, ‘Education’, ‘Work’, ‘Care’, ‘Women and LGBTQ+ People’, ‘Culture’, and ‘The Digital World’.

The Plan is a provisional text, a draft built out of the analyses and demands of our people’s movements and governments. It asks to be read and to be discussed, to be criticized and developed further. This is a first draft of many drafts to come. This is – for now – a living document.